In Santa Teresa di Riva, in the seafront is nice and cozy Restaurant Pizzaria "Bucca di Mola".
The specialty of this restaurant is the pizza by the meter.
The sizes available are 1 / 2 meter and 1 meter.
Normally 1 / 2 meter is enough for two people, while one meter may be fine for 3 or 4 people though, I suggest, if you are four you can start with a yard and then, maybe, if they can order another half a meter.
tastes are varied. E 'can order up to 3 flavors for two feet and about 5 or 6 flavors for the meter.
They range from Margherita, a classic, with more details such as the American pizza.
The service is pretty fast.
The pizza is served on wooden boards and is resting on the stands that are placed on the table. The pizza is already cut so you can serve more easily.
"Bucca di Mola" is definitely a place where you can spend a different evening, funny and nice.
ME-CT Highway
Roccalumera output.
Continue Santateresa of Riva.
Turn on the waterfront. Continue for about 2 km.
Attractions nearby
click here or click here
Restaurant Pizzeria "Bucca di Mola"
Via Lungomare Santa Teresa di Riva (Messina)
Tel 0942757450 - Cell 3476450090
What is the "wheel" of the restaurant's name?
Common name: MOON FISH or FISH MOLA (English: short moonfish)
Scientific name: Mola mola
Family: molido (Molidae)
Order: Tetraodontiformes (Tetraodontiformes)
Class: Osteichthyes or bony fish (Osteichthyes)
This unique oval-bodied fish can get quite large (3 m in length and height, and 20 tons in weight) . It has a body higher than long, with an almost rectangular and laterally compressed. The pectoral fins are very small, beyond which there are some short gill slits. The dorsal and anal fins, well developed in height, are combined back into a kind of pseudo-fin Codal called clavus, with wavy margins. The sunfish has the back, fins and the base of the caudal fin greyish, brownish overdastri; the sides and ventral surfaces are clearer. The skin is very thick and rough to the presence of minute denticles that play, but it is devoid of scales. Her mouth is very small and provided with teeth welded together to form a beak bone tagliente.L 'eye is quite large.
The sunfish, both the size and the shape of the body and fins, is not a fast swimmer. It has been observed mostly floating on the surface in the open sea. It has often been seen floating, almost carried away by the waves. Perhaps the animals observed were old and / or dying, it is likely that individuals live in healthy middle and upper depths (up to 360 m). It eats a lot of animals: larvae of eel, jellyfish, crustaceans, fish, algae, etc..
moon when the fish reaches 50-60 cm long, both sexes tend to differ: the snout of the males becomes more prominent (Almost in the shape of the nose) and the pseudo-Codal fin becomes wider.
This fish is great fun and a common and cosmopolitan species. It goes far to the north, following the Gulf Stream. Not infrequently has been observed along the coasts of the Ligurian Riviera. In the Strait of Messina is recreational fishing with a harpoon. (Click here )
reproductive habits of this fish is very little known, but it seems that the female can produce more than 300 million eggs! (Click here source)
Assessment Gourmet : @ @ @ @
The specialty of this restaurant is the pizza by the meter.
The sizes available are 1 / 2 meter and 1 meter.
Normally 1 / 2 meter is enough for two people, while one meter may be fine for 3 or 4 people though, I suggest, if you are four you can start with a yard and then, maybe, if they can order another half a meter.
tastes are varied. E 'can order up to 3 flavors for two feet and about 5 or 6 flavors for the meter.
They range from Margherita, a classic, with more details such as the American pizza.
The service is pretty fast.
The pizza is served on wooden boards and is resting on the stands that are placed on the table. The pizza is already cut so you can serve more easily.
"Bucca di Mola" is definitely a place where you can spend a different evening, funny and nice.
ME-CT Highway
Roccalumera output.
Continue Santateresa of Riva.
Turn on the waterfront. Continue for about 2 km.
Attractions nearby
click here or click here
Restaurant Pizzeria "Bucca di Mola"
Via Lungomare Santa Teresa di Riva (Messina)
Tel 0942757450 - Cell 3476450090
What is the "wheel" of the restaurant's name?
Common name: MOON FISH or FISH MOLA (English: short moonfish)
Scientific name: Mola mola
Family: molido (Molidae)
Order: Tetraodontiformes (Tetraodontiformes)
Class: Osteichthyes or bony fish (Osteichthyes)
This unique oval-bodied fish can get quite large (3 m in length and height, and 20 tons in weight) . It has a body higher than long, with an almost rectangular and laterally compressed. The pectoral fins are very small, beyond which there are some short gill slits. The dorsal and anal fins, well developed in height, are combined back into a kind of pseudo-fin Codal called clavus, with wavy margins. The sunfish has the back, fins and the base of the caudal fin greyish, brownish overdastri; the sides and ventral surfaces are clearer. The skin is very thick and rough to the presence of minute denticles that play, but it is devoid of scales. Her mouth is very small and provided with teeth welded together to form a beak bone tagliente.L 'eye is quite large.

The sunfish, both the size and the shape of the body and fins, is not a fast swimmer. It has been observed mostly floating on the surface in the open sea. It has often been seen floating, almost carried away by the waves. Perhaps the animals observed were old and / or dying, it is likely that individuals live in healthy middle and upper depths (up to 360 m). It eats a lot of animals: larvae of eel, jellyfish, crustaceans, fish, algae, etc..
moon when the fish reaches 50-60 cm long, both sexes tend to differ: the snout of the males becomes more prominent (Almost in the shape of the nose) and the pseudo-Codal fin becomes wider.
This fish is great fun and a common and cosmopolitan species. It goes far to the north, following the Gulf Stream. Not infrequently has been observed along the coasts of the Ligurian Riviera. In the Strait of Messina is recreational fishing with a harpoon. (Click here )
reproductive habits of this fish is very little known, but it seems that the female can produce more than 300 million eggs! (Click here source)
Assessment Gourmet : @ @ @ @
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